How We Increased Hydro Health’s Revenue by Over $220,000

Revenue Per Visitor
Added annual revenue

Effective hydration solutions are essential but often overlooked. When Sarah Collins struggled to find a hydration product that met her health standards, she used her background in nutrition to create her own brand. In 2021, Sarah founded HydroHealth, offering a line of hydrogen water bottles designed to provide effective and natural hydration. Her products were well-received, leading to the successful establishment of her company.


California, USA



The Problem

How to Increase Hydrohealth’s Profitability and Allow Them to Scale?

Hydro Health, an early-stage brand that launched just six months ago, was facing challenges typical of new companies. They were marketing in different markets and driving traffic to various funnels for their hero product. With high marketing costs, they set a high AOV to cover expenses. Despite achieving a 2-3 dollar CPC and a conversion rate of 2.2%, they needed to increase both their AOV and conversion rate to boost profitability and scale.

The Solution

Highlighting Their Offer Within CTA’s

To address these challenges, we focused on optimizing their landing pages. We ran a series of A/B tests, but the test that yielded the best results involved changing all call-to-action (CTA) buttons to align with each specific offer. Instead of the generic "Buy Now," we updated the CTA to highlight the offer, such as "Up to 61% Off." This change aimed to create a stronger incentive for visitors to complete their purchase.

Effective hydration solutions are essential but often overlooked. When Sarah Collins struggled to find a hydration product that met her health standards, she used her background in nutrition to create her own brand. In 2021, Sarah founded HydroHealth, offering a line of hydrogen water bottles designed to provide effective and natural hydration. Her products were well-received, leading to the successful establishment of her company.


The Results

+$243,000 Added Annual Revenue

The impact of this change was substantial. Implementing the updated CTAs across just one of their funnels resulted in a 20%+ increase in Revenue Per Visitor and an additional $220,000 in annual revenue. This significant increase demonstrated the power of aligning CTAs with specific offers to enhance conversion rates and overall profitability.