How We Increased Duradry’s Conversion Rate by Over 40%

Revenue Per Visitor
Conversion Rate

Excessive sweating and hyperhidrosis are common issues. Finding effective treatments can be challenging. When David Parra experienced this problem, he created a solution using his expertise in product development. David developed a powerful antiperspirant that provided long-lasting relief without harsh chemicals. His results were so impressive that he founded Duradry in 2014.


Florida, USA


Personal Care

The Problem

Why aren’t Duradry’s ads converting?

Duradry was heavily investing in ads, but not seeing the best performance from them. They were getting tons of traffic and had a low CPC, but their product pages weren't converting well at all. They initiated some internal efforts to fix it, but they didn't get great results from this. Realizing they needed a CRO specialist, they reached out to me for help.

The Solution

Creating an optimized product page

I immediately recommended a complete redo of Duradry's main product page, which was receiving most of their traffic. The new design was based on proven strategies that I have previously had success with. The key optimizations included:

  • Urgency: Implemented a limited-time offer with a countdown timer.
  • Tiered Pricing: Displayed price on a per-unit basis with the highest value option highlighted as the "best deal."
  • AOV Strategy: Offered free gift add-ons with each incremental quantity increase.
  • Enhanced Social Proof: Made social proof more visible.
  • Benefit-Oriented Headline: Used a headline focused on benefits rather than just the product name.

Excessive sweating and hyperhidrosis are common issues. Finding effective treatments can be challenging. When David Parra experienced this problem, he created a solution using his expertise in product development. David developed a powerful antiperspirant that provided long-lasting relief without harsh chemicals. His results were so impressive that he founded Duradry in 2014.

Personal Care

The Results

+55% Revenue Per Visitor and +40% Conversion Rate

The impact of our optimized product page was substantial. Duradry experienced a 40% increase in their conversion rate and a 55% increase in revenue per visitor within just 2 weeks. These results really demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, significantly boosting Duradry's overall profitability and showcasing the value of a single, well-optimized product/landing page.